About Us

Biomedtech Australia Pty Ltd is a quality assured company that specialises in research, development and manufacturing advanced hypoxicators throughout the world. Under the trade mark of GO2Altitude® we been an innovator in intelligent hypoxicator training systems since 1998.

Biomedtech was established and is run by Mr. Oleg Bassovitch.

Oleg has over 25 years of experience in design, research and development and manufacturing of hypoxicators

He obtained his Masters in Biomedical Engineering from Monash University, Melbourne. Thesis: “Hypoxic Training in Sports and Medicine. Literature Review and Considerations for Equipment Design”.


Jan 1996 Foundation of GO2Altitude, development of the first 4-person hypoxicator for athletic and mountaineering training.

Nov 1998 First approach of the RAAF institute of aviation medicine offering a new concept of normobaric hypoxia training of aviation personnel.

2003-2004 Conceptual development of fully integrated hypoxicators for aviators.

July 2005 Registration of interest to research and develop flight personnel hypoxia education system with Australian Government agency.

August 2005 Helios airways B737 crash in Greece with 128 people on board killed.

2006-2008 GO2Altitude Mark-I task non-specific fully computerised multi-person hypoxicator system was developed and validated with the
assistance of Australian Government R&D Grant. Demonstrated to a large number of industry professionals, aviation medicine professionals,
governmental bodies world-wide: NTSB, FAAs, CASA, ICAO and many more. Commercialisation of the classroom multi-person hypoxicator system suitable
for all aircrew (task non-specific neurocognitive battery of subtest). Granted patent for classroom hypoxia awareness system.

2009-2011 Mark-II fully customisable by the operator training scenarios for different markets: Pilot, Navigator, General Aviation, Airforce, Cabin Crew. Central operator console for safety monitoring of all subject and remote training mission aborting.

2012-2013 Task-specific variant of GO2Altitude has been developed for semi-automatic integration with various flight simulators: from desktop, low cost trainers to disorientation and centrifuge simulators.

2013-2014 Work on full integration with professional simulators, including full motion simulators using simple communication protocol (Patent pending).

2015 Awarded Australian Defence Preferred Supplier status. Acting Member of Raytheon Australia Support Network.

2017 Granted US Patent 9,576,496 “Flight Training System”

2018 Developed and deployed HRRT software profile with RAAF.

2019 Developed hardware for On-Demand hypoxicator with capacity to deliver inhalation flow >200LPM and programmable positive pressure breathing 1…50 mm Hg


1. Bassovitch, O. A Call to Modernise Oxygen Regulator. Commentary. Linkedin 04 Feb. 2022.  View.

2. Bassovitch, O. CO2 Narcosis as a Root Cause of Unexplained Physiological Events in High Performance Aircraft. Preprints 2020, 2020040291 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202004.0291.v1). view

3.  Bassovitch, O. Liberal Oxygen with Unreliable Unpredictable Flowrate Is the Root Cause of Unexplained Physiological Events in Combat aircraft. Preprints 2020, 2020040467 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202004.0467.v1). view

4. Bassovitch O, Westerman R. Use of Oxygen for recovery in hypoxia awareness training: What is optimal? J Aust Soc Aerospace Med 2013;8 (October) view

5. Bassovitch O, Westerman R. Full integration of flight simulator with normobaric hypoxicator technically achievable? Procedings of the AsMA Annual Meeting. Slide 211. May 13-15. Chicago 2013 view

6. Bassovitch O, Westerman R. Technologies for normobaric hypoxia awareness training: what affects their accuracy of physiological altitude simulation? Aust Soc Aerospace Med 2012;7 (August).

7. Bassovitch O, Westerman R. Accuracy of physiological altitude simulation. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2012 Sep;83(9):912-3.

8. Bassovitch O.  Therapeutic hypoxia overdue naming convention.  Sports Med. 2010 Oct 1;40(10):897-8.

9. Westerman R, Bassovitch O, Cable G, Smits D. Effectiveness of the GO2Altitude® Hypoxia Training System. JASAM Vol 5: No 1 – August 2010 view

10. Bassovitch O. ‘Combining hypoxic methods for peak performance’: a biomedical engineering perspective. Sports Med. 2010 Jun 1;40(6):519-21; author reply 521-3.

11. Bassovitch O. Intermittent hypoxic training: risks versus benefits. A biomedical engineering point of view. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2010 Jun 5.

12. Bassovitch, O; Serebrovskaya T. V. (2010). “Equipment and Regimes for Intermittent Hypoxia Therapy”. In Lei Xi and Tatiana V. Serebrovskaya. Intermittent Hypoxia: From Molecular Mechanisms To Clinical Applications. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2009 561-72. ISBN 9781608761272

13. Westerman R.A.; Bassovitch O. Smits D. Simulation In Aviation: Hypoxia Familiarisation Training Using The GO2Altitude® System. SimTect 2008 Simulation Conference Proceedings, 12-15 May 2008, Melbourne Australia.

14. Westerman RA, Bassovitch O. Hypoxia familiarisation training using Flight Personnel Simulated Altitude Training System. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2007;78(3): 305 Abstract.


Biomedtech was awarded two Federal Government Research and Development Grants:

2001: “Altipower: Prototype Medical Device” START grant.

2005: “GO2Altitude flight personnel simulated altitude training system” Commercial Ready Grant.

Biomedtech invests up to 25% of sales revenue into research of new drug-free technologies for human performance and wellness.